The complete guide on Section J assessments
We are very happy to offer a new online NCC 2022 Section J Course, available now! With around four hours of streamlined video content, interactive worked examples and resource documents; it’s your comprehensive guide to conducting Section J assessments.
We’ve included this introductory video to our course free of charge, which discusses its scope, its features and how you can benefit.
Please take a look!
Who is this course for?
This course was designed to help:
✔️ Thermal Performance Assessors who want to break into the commercial energy efficiency market
✔️ Architects who wish to streamline their designs to be more compatible with the 2022 NCC requirements
✔️ Certifiers to better understand how energy efficiency assessments are conducted, and what to look for in a Section J report
Course structure
This Section J Course features an interactive worked example, helping participants immediately put new information into practice.
Participants are provided with the plans to an office building with an attached warehouse and will be shown how each part of Section J applies to the worked example and other buildings in general.
Where the NCC 2022 differs from NCC 2019, participants will be advised of the differences, and hence be able to conduct Section J assessments regardless of the current adoption of NCC 2022 in their state or territory.