Education In Building
Established 2010
Education In Building is a Registered Training Organisation (Provider No 32418) offering Nationally Recognised Qualifications in all States and Territories of Australia.
Fully Australian owned and operated by Paul Kearney & Associates Pty Ltd, we specialise in providing pathways for those who wish to obtain formal qualifications in House Energy Rating (NatHERS), Thermal Performance, Energy Efficiency Assessments.
We offer a range of pathways for you to obtain your formal qualification including, online self-paced learning, recognition of prior learning, credit transfer, and skills assessment.
We GUARANTEE the quality of our training as we only use certified NatHERS professional instructors with accreditation in all four software tools Accurate, BERSpro, FirstRate5 & HERO. Our specialty is bespoke training solutions because we are flexible in our delivery modes and skill set.
Nationally Recognised Training
Education In Building’s head office is located in Queensland and we are proud to provide our training services throughout every State and Territory of Australia. We first gained RTO status in 2010 and it didn’t take long before we gained a reputation as a high quality training organisation who understands competencies relevant to Thermal Performance Assessments.
In addition, our training and assessment practices are informed by industry, and, they’re conducted by NatHERS endorsed trainers with ‘real world’ current experience.
Nationally Recognised Training is, as its name suggests, is recognised throughout Australia. In other words, the ‘value’ or ‘worth’ of the certification you receive is identical. This is regardless of the issuing registered training organisation (RTO).
Education In Building caters for the provision of Nationally Recognised Training (NRT).
Note: The quality of training, however, does differ from one RTO and another. And this is where we excel. We provide high quality training at very affordable prices.
Founder & CEO
Paul Kearney
Paul is the founder and CEO of Education In Building, a Nationally Registered Training Organisation (Provider No.32418) specialising in Building, Construction and Energy Efficiency training for over 15 years.
Before devoting his work fulltime to Education In Building, Paul served as General Manager of Master Builders QLD for over 10 years. Paul is a registered builder, a qualified Trainer & Assessor as well as having qualifications as an accredited NatHERS assessor in all four Energy Rating software tools Accurate, BERSpro, FirstRate5 & HERO.
Paul is proud to be a NatHERS endorsed trainer in all four NatHERS accredited software tools as well as having endorsement from HERO and BERS pro.
Paul is the Founder and Executive Director of the House Energy Raters Association (HERA)
Paul is a current serving member of the following committees.
- NatHERS Stakeholder Consultative Group
- NatHERS Technical Advisory Committee
- BASIX Thermal Comfort Protocol Working Group (NSW)
- Scorecard Program Advisory Group (VIC)
- Sustainable and Resilient Buildings Working Group (QLD)
- NatHERS Training Advisory Group
A specialised focus
We are proud to be a small RTO. In fact, our small size has enabled us to achieve continuous growth. As opposed to applying for registration in every conceivable area of commerce, we specialise in what we know and love. And that, quite simply, is energy efficiency.
With this philosophy, we’ve found that doing things well just comes naturally.
Let us share our passion for energy efficiency with you …