Section J course ✅$585
Deemed-to-Satisfy course ✅ $585
Deemed-to-Satisfy training course for the Housing Energy Efficiency Performance requirements in accordance with the National Construction Code.
CPD Modelling using FirstRate5
FR5 Tips for achieving 7 Stars ✅ $30
In this course we show a working example on some basic tips for improving a thermal performance assessment to achieve 7 Stars.
- Actual demonstration
- Modeling methods
1 CPD technical point
FR5 Modelling Attics and dormer Windows ✅ $30
This training is for FirstRate5 users and provides training on unusual items that you may come across that require modelling such as Attics & Dormer windows. Whilst some of these components may be rare you are still required to understand how to model them.
This course offers:
- Actual demonstration
- Modeling methods
1 CPD technical point
FR5 Modelling Heritage listed trees ✅ $30
This training is for FirstRate5 users and provides training on unusual items that you may come across that require modelling such as Heritage listed trees. Whilst some of these components may be rare you are still required to understand how to model them.
This course offers:
- Actual demonstration
- Modeling methods
FR5 Modelling Eaves & Offsets ✅ $45
In this course we show how to model Eave projections and Vertical offsets along with window shade device & wing walls.
This course offers:
- Actual demonstration
- Modeling methods
1 CPD technical point
FR5 Modelling horizontal split walls ✅ $30
This course will walk you through step by step and explain in detail how to model a three way external horizontally Split wall using FR5
This course offers:
- Actual demonstration
- Modeling methods
1 CPD technical point
FR5 Modelling Stairs & Lifts ✅ $30
In this course we show a working example on the basic principles of how to model stairs.
This course offers:
- Actual demonstration
- Modeling methods
1 CPD technical point
FR5 Creating a custom wall library ✅ $30
In this course we show a working example on the basic principles of how to create a custom wall library.
This course offers:
- Actual demonstration
- Modeling methods
1 CPD technical point
FR5 Modelling fences & Neighbours ✅ $30
In this course we show a working example on the basic principles of how to model fences and Neighbour
This course offers:
- Actual demonstration
- Modeling methods
1 CPD technical point
FR5 Modelling downlights & exhaust fans ✅ $30
In this course we show a working example on the basic principles of how to model Downlights and Exhaust fans
This course offers:
- Actual demonstration
- Modeling methods
1 CPD technical point
FR5 Modelling a studio apartment ✅ $45
In this course we show a working example on the basic principles of how to model a Studio apartment
This course offers:
- Actual demonstration
- Modeling methods
1 CPD technical point
FR5 Modelling raked walls and sloped ceilings ✅ $30
In this course we show a working example on the basic principles of how to model raked walls and sloped Ceilings
This course offers:
- Actual demonstration
- Modeling methods
1 CPD technical point
FR5 Assessment compliance review ✅ $175
EIB offers FirstRate5 users the opportunity to have their energy ratings reviewed by one of our experienced and highly skilled certified consultants.
6 CPD technical points
CPD Modelling using BERS Pro
BERS - Tips for achieving 7 Stars ✅ $30
In this course we show a working example on some basic tips for improving a thermal performance assessment to achieve 7 Stars.
- Actual demonstration
- Modeling methods
1 CPD technical point
BERS - Modelling Attics & Dormer windows ✅ $30
This training is for BERS users and provides training on unusual items that you may come across that require modelling such as Attics & Dormer windows. Whilst some of these components may be rare you are still required to understand how to model them.
This course offers:
- Actual demonstration
- Modeling methods
1 CPD technical point
BERS - Modelling Heritage listed trees ✅ $30
This training is for BERS users and provides training on unusual items that you may come across that require modelling such as Heritage listed trees. Whilst some of these components may be rare you are still required to understand how to model them.
This course offers:
- Actual demonstration
- Modeling methods
1 CPD technical point
BERS - Modelling Eaves ✅ $30
In this course we show how to model Eave projections and Vertical offsets along with window shade device & wing walls.
This course offers:
- Actual demonstration
- Modeling methods
1 CPD technical point
BERS - Modelling Stairs ✅ $30
In this course we show a working example on the basic principles of how to model stairs.
This course offers:
- Actual demonstration
- Modeling methods
1 CPD technical point
BERS - Modelling Fences & Neighbours ✅ $30
In this course we show a working example on the basic principles of how to model fences and Neighbours
This course offers:
- Actual demonstration
- Modeling methods
1 CPD technical point
BERS - Moving a dwelling on the modelling page ✅ $30
In this course we show a working example on how to move a dwelling on the modelling page
This course offers:
- Actual demonstration
- Modeling methods
1 CPD technical point
BERS - Moving a dwelling on the modelling page ✅ $30
In this course we show a working example on how to move a dwelling on the modelling page
This course offers:
- Actual demonstration
- Modeling methods
1 CPD technical point
CPD Modelling using HERO
Deemed to Satisfy ✅ $585
Deemed-to-Satisfy training course for the Housing Energy Efficiency Performance requirements in accordance with the National Construction Code.
Section J ✅ $585
We are very happy to offer a new online NCC 2022 Section J Course, available now! With around four hours of streamlined video content, interactive worked examples and resource documents; it’s your comprehensive guide to conducting Section J assessments.
Deemed-to-Satisfy - Performance Solutions ➡️ Here soon
Completing a Form 15 in QLD✔️ Free
This 3 minute video provides a practical demonstration on completing a form 15 in Queensland.
Australian Residential Energy Rating policy ✅ $20
Hosted by CSIRO, this webinar includes presentations from Jodie Pipkorn of NatHERS Policy Team – Audrey Chen of the Australian Building Codes Board (ABCB) – Katrina Woolfe and Alberto Garza Barragán of the Victorian Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning.
1 CPD technical point
Its time to talk apartments ✅ $20
Rising in popularity, apartments last year made up 58% of all energy rating certificates in NSW. Nationally the AHD Dashboard has collated data on over 70,000 apartments certificates over the past 12 months but we know little about the real world performance of Australia’s stock of apartments. Some say apartments are overperforming, and others that non-compliance with energy efficiency provisions is common. Where does the truth lie and what can we do about it?
Recognising that dealing with density is a growing and multifaceted challenge we’ve invited a broad spectrum of presenters to share their insight and answer your questions. Join us as we hear from CSIRO researchers, team catalyst building designer, Senior Sustainability Strategist and the Australian Building Codes Board
1 CPD technical point
NatHERS Technical Note 2019 ✅ $30 Each
This CPD program looks at the NatHERS Technical Note Version June 2019.
This CPD program is made up of a series of quiz questions that have been designed specifically for House Energy Raters using any of the energy rating software tools.
Each quiz is designed for participants to learn by undertaking the prescribed reading and reviewing the correct answers that are provided after they have completed the quiz.
This series contains 6 CPD programs.
Each program earns 1 CPD Technical point
NatHERS Assessor Handbook 2019 ✅ $30 Each
This CPD program looks at the NatHERS Assessor Handbook 2019.
This CPD program is made up of a series of quiz questions that have been designed specifically for House Energy Raters using any of the energy rating software tools.
Each quiz is designed for participants to learn by undertaking the prescribed reading and reviewing the correct answers that are provided after they have completed the quiz.
This series contains 6 CPD programs.
Each program earns 1 CPD Technical point
Understanding sustainability measures ✅ $30
This suite of videos look at:
- Greenhouse gas emissions
- Energy versus Greenhouse gases
- Climate change
- Altitude & Azimuth
- Degrees Kelvin
- Form & orientation
½ CPD technical point
Absorptance, Reflectance & Emittance ✅ $15
This 7 minute video discusses thermal properties relating to Absorptance, Reflectance & Emittance of material.
½ CPD technical point
Cooling effect for comfort ✅ $15
This 36 minute video discusses comfort performance indicators, air movement & cooling effects.
½ CPD technical point
Thermal Glazing ✅ $30
Windows and other glazed external surfaces have a significant impact on the energy efficiency of a building. A distinct improvement in comfort levels can be achieved by selecting a glazing solution that goes beyond compliance requirements for a new or retrofitted residential property. This 25 minute video discusses when properly selected and orientated, energy efficient glazing can help provide year round comfort and reduce air conditioning energy consumption.
½ CPD technical point
Passive Design ✅ $30
An energy-efficient house in Hobart or Melbourne is going to have very different features from an energy-efficient house in Darwin or Brisbane. Both the design of the building form and the materials used to build it need to be selected to suit the particular climatic region, if a house is to be naturally energy efficient. This 22 minute video discusses the variation in climate across Australia, and the aspects of climate that need to be taken into account in building design.
½ CPD technical point
Insulation Properties ✅ $30
Insulation needs to be used in conjunction with other aspects of good design to ensure good thermal performance. If the orientation, window placement and shading of a house have been designed correctly, insulation is usually the next most effective and inexpensive way to reduce heating and cooling loads. This 38 minute video discusses a selection of topics regarding good insulation.
½ CPD technical point
Thermal comfort ✅ $30
The great variation in climate in Australia means that in some locations there is a greater need for houses to be heated to achieve thermal comfort and in other locations there is a greater need for houses to be cooled.
This 37 minute video discusses the thermal comfort of a house and determining the likely heating and cooling loads, which takes into account the:
• Effect of air and radiant temperatures, based on average temperatures, the design features of the house, such as solar orientation, glazing etc,
• Impact of humidity, based on the relative humidity
• Air speed in the house, based on the potential for cross-ventilation and any ceiling fans.
½ CPD technical point
Climate change and the effects on energy ratings ✅ $30
Sunlight passes through the atmosphere and is absorbed as energy by the surface of the Earth. Some of this energy (called thermal radiation) is radiated back into the atmosphere, where it is absorbed by gases which then re-radiate the energy in all directions. Some of this re-radiated energy goes back to the surface of the Earth and the lower atmosphere which makes the Earth warmer than it might otherwise have been. Clouds also play a significant role in the natural greenhouse effect by absorbing and re-radiating energy back towards the Earth. This 23 minute video discusses Greenhouse effects.
½ CPD technical point
Thermal Performance ✅ $30
This 30 minute video discusses the concept of the building envelope and how heat flows in and out of the building envelope, as you need to understand these basic heat transfer processes in order to understand the different thermal properties of building materials
½ CPD technical point
Thermal Mass ✅ $30
This 24 minute video discusses how thermal mass works, ground coupling, Time lag, volumetric heat capacity along with retro fitting Thermal mass.
½ CPD technical point
TPA practice scenarios✅ $30
These scenarios has been designed specifically for Thermal Performance Assessors and are based on ethical standards that are required for accredited NatHERS energy raters under AAO Code of Conduct.
Here you will identify:
- Ethical issues
- Professional implications
- Assessor behaviour
BERS Pro5✔️Free
This training is about BERPRO5 in line with the NCC 2022 requirements.
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t: (07) 3806 4816
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Mo-Fr: 9:00am-5:00pm
Sa: 9:00am - 12:00pm
Su: Closed