Both online and face-to-face learning methods have their own set of unique advantages and disadvantages.
While few learners may still prefer the discipline and familiarity that face-to-face learning brings, there is no denying the immense benefits of online learning. The self-paced nature of eLearning content is highly favorable to the modern learner – as well as organizations searching for new ways of managing employee development and training in a post-COVID world.
This type of learning is more flexible than traditional learning and is more practical for learners. With instructor lead learning there is little scope for the learner to slow down and re-learn difficult concepts in a live, instructor-led scenario – as this hinders the entire group. Miss one class and it is gone forever.
With the advancement of technology and the EIB adaptive learning platform, elearning modules are supported via digital textbooks, live chat support, community forums, online discussion boards, videos that can be viewed many times over and audio materials, interactive quizzes, virtual announcements, and much more.