Successful completion of this training will allow participants to establish their status as an accredited Professional Energy Assessor.
A building assessor is an entity that provides a building assessment service. A building assessment service is the doing of building assessment work. Building assessment work is preparing and providing an energy efficiency certificate under the Building Act 2004; or an energy efficiency statement; or a statement, certificate or other document prescribed by regulation. Energy efficiency certificate is defined under s139 C of the Building Act 2004.
The Class A licence authorises the doing of anything allowed to be done under a class B building assessor licence and the following building assessment work, based on an on‐site inspection: preparing an energy efficiency certificate under the Building Act 2004; or preparing an energy efficiency rating statement.
The CPP41119 Certificate IV in Home Energy Efficiency & Sustainability qualification is the qualification required to eligible to apply for a class A licence.
The Nationwide House Energy Rating Scheme (NatHERS) is a star rating system (out of ten) that rates the energy efficiency of a home, based on its design.
Education In Building is the leading Nationally Recognised provider of NatHERS assessment training courses for House Energy Raters. We offer pathways to obtain this formal qualification throughout Australia.
This course allows you to be a fully qualified NatHERS accredited House Energy Rater and can be completed entirely On-line.
Understanding how to use energy rating software is an integral part in the completion of the Certificate IV in NatHERS assessment qualification. EIB is the only Nationally Registered training provider that includes Energy Rating Software training in a choice of Accurate, BERS Pro, FirstRate5 or HERO in the NatHERS course.
Our NatHERS course includes training in any one of the energy rating software tools
Government funding is available for this course in 2023